All posts by juan petry

Hubble, Covid and the big bang of externalizing the thinking

hubble, covid and the big bang
hubble, covid and the big bang

History is made by the victor, and so is science. This is the story of those who set out to create knowledge and those who want to believe in it. It is the story of the Big Bang, of dark matter, of alternative explanatory models and the arrogance of the respective elites to simulate the world as they would like to see it. It’s the story of us.

hubble, covid and the big bang - the start
hubble, covid and the big bang – the start

It’s also the story of a spice rack in a dragon house kitchen. And it is the story of cooking and eating as it is a story of thinking and acting. Insight liberates, especially from belief in knowledge.

In the fall of 1609, Galileo made the mistake of pointing his newly developed telescope at the sky. He had always been a critic of Aristotle and what he saw made him doubt again. The observation of nature could not be brought into harmony with the worldview of that time, the earth at the center of the then known universe was untenable.

hubble, covid and the big bang - the structure
hubble, covid and the big bang – the structure

Around 1929 Hubble published his first scientific paper on the relation of redshift and distance between galaxies. For his famous diagram, he chose the speed as the scale on the Y-axis. Einstein stopped his work on the cosmological constant. He called his assumption that the universe is static his “biggest mistake”.

In 1924, Louis de Broglie presented his research thesis, in which he proposed electrons have properties of both waves and particles. As a consequence he rearranged the terms of the Plank-Einstein relation to apply to all types of matter.

hubble, covid and the big bang - the compartments
hubble, covid and the big bang – the compartments

More than 20 years later David Bohm renewed the evidence for de Broglies thesis, known as DBB theory.

We consider this to be youthful deviationism. If we can’t refute Bohm we have to agree to ignore him.

Robert Oppenheimer

What do Galileo, Hubble, de Broglie and Bohm have in common and what can we learn from them in times of pandemic?

What most people will experience in 2021 has been prepared well in advance. Gaining sovereignty over the definition of a pandemic, along with the privatization of public tasks in the health care system, paved the way for the new power elite to enter the GREAT RESET. What is meant is less the smoke candle from Davos than the adjustment of global flows of money and goods to the new conditions. And these new conditions result from the dictates of the power elites and their simulations. This is intended to give the phrase “We have good reason to believe that …” is given sufficient evidence. Maintaining and expanding the power structure was and remains the priority of the elite. The call to science as a neutral and thus objective witness turns into a comedy. Whoever orders the desired result in research with a subsidy gets what he orders. So it is helpful that capitalist research produces easily manipulable protagonists who tie their reputation to theses once they have been implemented.

hubble, covid and the big bang - the compartments with morter
hubble, covid and the big bang – the compartments with morter

Galileo has been placed under house arrest for the rest of his life, a tried and tested solution to keep the public track free for the elites to enable them to achieve their goals. Hubble was not able to get used to his own thesis of interpreting the redshift as an expression of the escape speed of galaxies. The reputation struggling Einstein gave up his static view of the universe very quickly to stay inside the mainstream. Oppenheimer’s statement about Bohm exposes the institution of science as a circus maximus, in which bread and games are distributed like budgets and honors. And thumbs up when the ruling elite thinks so.

Anyone who sits in the audience and believes that everything is going well here is more than naive, he is safe in the mainstream and is supervised in thinking.

hubble, covid and the big bang - the spice rack space
hubble, covid and the big bang – the spice rack space

In all cases, turning to nature observation leads to frictions with the narrative. This narrative is not designed to explain the world, but to maintain or establish the order desired by the elites. Friction becomes a danger, censorship the means of choice and distance from the factual is to be measured in cosmological units of distance.
Scientists worried about their reputation become – in their bigotry – complicit, and all means are right: whose bread I eat, whose song I sing. Simulations are invented and adjusted until they bring the result of what was ordered. My ancestors believed what came from the pulpit, my grandfathers what was written in the newspaper, my father what was seen on TV, and my brothers what was published in Wikipedia and what Google showed as a search result and in general what the AI now outputs as a result.

hubble, covid and the big bang - the spice rack space finished
hubble, covid and the big bang – the spice rack space finished

The fictitious narrative is stabilized by adding more and more theses. In the end, you need quasars, dark matter and constants of nature, all of which only conceal what friction remains in the face of nature, which you can observe, but which you don’t have to and shouldn’t if you want to stay in the mainstream.
I don’t know whether hydrogen is baked into helium in a thermodynamic process inside the sun and released protons find their way into my observing eye or whether our sun works off the potential differences of the environment in a long glow like an Elms fire. But I remember that simple descriptions gain an advantage as long as they cannot be refuted, but only if they correlate with the established mainstream. Scientific progress can be measured well in the unit GENERATION. Whenever a generation of researchers dies out, there is always room for new ideas. Bad luck is for those who do not survive their PhD supervisor long enough. Wise is the one who looks for the oldest possible doctoral supervisor.

Biological weapons are conceived, developed and used. Propaganda is a cost-effective, efficient and continually used means of the elite. Anyone who now makes a connection between these two statements is considered a conspiracy theorist. He should be placed under house arrest, no bread and no games.

What is the basis of this human tragedy that continues to lead us astray?

Humans have always tried to save energy. This was well advised in the savannah. The tiger was close, everybody had to run faster when it mattered, not faster than the tiger, but faster than the neighbor.

hubble, covid and the big bang - installation
hubble, covid and the big bang – installation

Thinking costs energy. The externalization of thought is the means of choice. What has already been researched does not have to be researched again, what has already been proven does not have to be proven again. Scientific reputation certifies the implementation of the thesis, not its development and above all not its repeated verification.
In this way, all science becomes a belief system, and those who contradict risk a war of faith. The crusade can easily become the wrong way. And an event is required that questions everything and allows you to start all over again.

A master who demands the adoption of his own theses educates disciples, but not new masters.

Juan Petry

Religion and science are two sides of the same coin. This coin is not the bread. But that is exactly what is confused in the game.

hubble, covid and the big bang - painting
hubble, covid and the big bang – painting

The science that emerged under the Moors and their turn to nature observation was a declaration of war for the rulers and questioned the divine order, the derivation of which was the secular, as the lords liked.
The church could not stand idly by the degradation of the earth (as a place created by God) to a satellite of the sun. Whoever so fundamentally questions what has been considered true for centuries must be a heretic before the Lord.
The naive look through the telescope underestimates the impact of the publication of the observation. In the age of the bomb it had to be the atom, and that’s how I learned that it is the atom that releases the sun’s energy. The alternate truth wasn’t in the textbooks. Teachers who preach the truth don’t need a book of lies.

hubble, covid and the big bang - ready to use
hubble, covid and the big bang – mosaics and more

So I would have wished for a master in school who would motivate me to replace yesterday’s lie with tomorrow’s better lie, knowing that it would be a lie again.

Winners write history. Unfortunately, this always applies. Whoever goes into battle creates collateral damage, and that always creates suffering. Whoever sees in his victory the confirmation of the correctness of his thesis falls victim to hubris. So there must be reasons for the correctness of one’s own actions. The sacrifice is to be made, usually by the loser. And there is no alternative and regret is to be limited.

hubble, covid and the big bang - mosaics
hubble, covid and the big bang – mosaics

38 years ago we put a camping gas stove on an old wooden trestle to cook 10 kg of potatoes for the first helpers. A bucket of water next to it, a box of spices, that was the first kitchen in the CASAdelDRAGON.

hubble, covid and the big bang - memories
hubble, covid and the big bang – memories

After that we built many kitchens, some in connection with the casa and its visitors. The kitchen, as the central meeting place in the house, becomes a stage for planning, preparing and eating and for dialogue, embedded in the peace of the common meal.

There are many places with tile mosaics in the house of the dragon. In the large kitchen, the celtic knot dominates over the stove. Now, after 38 years, a shelf for spices has been added on its left side.

The big and small stories of the CASA and its residents are hidden in it. Old tiles from France are used and are reminiscent of friendships that have lasted for two generations. A scallop resembles the path that also leads through this village in eastern Spain and a New Year’s Eve meal in the Pyrinees many years ago.

Even the choice of spices is the history of the chefs through all ages and thus part of the history of this house.

Elita, Sing-Yang, Fadeela, Mariella, Bärbel and Martin, Etienne and many others have left their mark on history.

What can you learn from this kitchen? What can be a healthy connection between what is happening on the stove and in the world? You are what you eat!

The many visitors brought their recipes and preferences with them, they left us memories and tastes.

hubble, covid and the big bang - scallop
hubble, covid and the big bang – scallop

But we have to cook for ourselves, again and again, and think anew, think for ourselves. If we externalize the food we end up with fast food, if we externalize the thinking we end up in the black hole of knowledge, waiting for the next Big Bang.

Deframing dogmas of human interventionism

This is a story within a story within the story. If you have already developed your own opinion about human intervention , please read no further. Cancel culture shows the way.

mi-zaru, kika-zaru, iwa-zaru

Human life evolved from biomass, the mass that it shares with all other living things. The distinction between inanimate nature and animate nature is already a simplification in terms of perception. Since we can neither think structurally / parallel nor exponentially, our own thinking costs us a lot of energy (in a state of rest our brain uses around 40% of the total energy used for our body) and we are not willing to overwork our body regularly, we work essentially in the unconscious autopilot mode. The lowest possible energetic expenditure for maximum yield was and remains the challenge that nature faces again and again.

Energy expenditure

The extension of our extremities (ax, bow and arrow) is subject to the same premise. The energy expenditure for the production of the tool, but also for its care and provision (logistics), must overall be less than the energy yield that we achieve by hunting the buffalo in the savannah.
Obviously that worked quite well for over 300,000 years. But as so often, euphoria and the feeling of superiority are in the foreground, especially with those who can bring home a greater success than their competitor when used skillfully.
It is also underestimated that fast running, a good eye, the ability to work in a team, safe orientation and good reflexes lead to success using the arrow tool. Since there have always been people who were better at arrow production than at hunting, this not only favored a division of labor, but also paved the way for marketing. Those who could make better arrows also got more of the meat. The number of arrows became an expression of the social position, the hierarchy of the hunting party (driving or shooting) was always based on the use of the tool. This ranking could only be overlaid by those who had the opportunity to tell the hunter when and where the animal was to be found. In order to maintain his position as clan leader vis-à-vis the young, fast and skillful hunters, it was necessary to put them in their place and sometimes to send them astray, with the sure intention of then ascribing the failure of their hunting luck to the hunter himself. What began with the arrow leads to what we call politics today: divide and rule.

The consequences of this tool arrow could not be foreseen: longer life expectancy of the clan members, lower child mortality, greater need for food, greater space requirement (and the associated higher risk of meeting other humanoids, with a dubious outcome: more deaths, more children), no more existence threatening leisure time (training cultures), much can also be attributed to the arrow.

Even if this list seems positive up to now, other consequences can easily be found: fundamental change in diet (more meat), loss of knowledge (for the utilization of flora), greater dependence on regulatory systems of natural cycles (the higher the food in the food chain is tapped, the less certain is its availability). So there may have been some discussions around the campfire in which the vegan neighbor reminded of the good old days, when you had to move your tents much less often and the peacefulness in the clan was greater, not least because most of the people were busy in spending most of their time with them collecting and preparing plants for dinner. Probably the neighbor already had a difficult time against those who lived from the production of arrows, who wanted to make a career in the hunting society or who had already made it. And politics, too, which, with the intention of maintaining power, did not want to forego the hierarchy as the economic implementation of their will, had found that the rest of the clan could be encouraged to make sacrifices for the good Lord of hunting luck to vote. Even then, everyone agreed: technology is progress, and progress is good. So it was okay that some arrows found their way into the meat of the brother, the neighbor – especially the vegan one. There are a lot more newcomers than before to fill the gaps.

the scope of hierarchy

But that’s not all: if you see humans as moving biomass in their habitat, you will have further consequences. The digestion, largely left to bacteria and fungi, first had to adjust to the new offer. New diseases appeared, the immune system was challenged and so was the medicine man in the clan, who then usually took up the plant, if he still knew about its effect. The social burden on the clan due to the wounded and those, who lived longer and longer was a price to be paid.

If you have already developed your own opinion about human intervention , please read no further. Cancel culture shows the way.

The arrow of the past as a tool and manifestation of technology has become today’s computer science. The extension of the hunter’s arm by almost 50 meters was rewarded with meat, known to be a piece of vitality (old slogan in the advertising of the meat industry in Germany: Fleisch ist ein Stück Lebenskraft!). Today the confident handling of the bits and bytes is rewarded. The meat somehow fell by the wayside, but you can still enjoy FIAT currency, since you can still buy highly subsidized meat with it.

It was 55 years ago that Lotfi Zadeh developed the fuzzi logic set theory. It was more than 30 years ago that researchers recognized the connection between population, settlement area and the quality of this area in terms of sustainable settlement. Both sources of these scientific considerations offer many opportunities to understand the effects and interactions in dynamic systems.

level of expectation

The populist of that time narrowed the discussion to the statement: no arrow equals no meat. He described the use of the technology with its collateral damage as no alternative. Anyone who still talked about a purely vegan diet was left behind in the best case, but possibly also a threat to the survival of the clan, maybe also a conspirator in their own ranks, not belonging to their own clan and sent to weaken the clan. The evidence-based statement is obvious: the hunter goes with the arrow and he comes with the meat. The progress denier becomes a useless blackhead. He should not be entitled to the hunted booty.

Attention should be directed to the development of larger and sharper arrows, the conquest of land is unavoidable and thus also the military conflict with neighboring clans, whereby one should first concentrate on those with the smaller arrows.
The trade in agate / jasper (the arrowheads in the Stone Age) is to be promoted in order to produce more arrows and the carrying of arrows is only permitted in locked quivers within the village in order to be able to better guarantee general safety. In order to enforce these measures, selected hunters, who can generally be recognized by their openly carried arrows, are to be released from the hunt (eligible to claim a tribute).

If today the simulation of reality using limited available and arbitrarily selected raw data from the same is called science, and virologists insist on the evidence of the prognoses calculated from it, then the world is on the wire (as R. W. Fassbender showed us), then the prognosis becomes the truth that cannot be questioned, and if they do not match, the fault must be looked for in the real world outside the simulation.
A few years ago a hurricane laid down large parts of the German black forest. Those responsible did everything in their power to research how to reanimate the affected forest areas as quickly as possible. Different strategies (clearing, new plants, use of fertilizer, fast-growing varieties) were put into the race side by side. After all, areas were also shown without human intervention, as a reference and yardstick for the expected success of human intervention.
The result was sobering. After ten years, the forest had recovered most precisely where humans had left it alone.

That was of course not in the interests of the manufacturers of heavy forest machines, not in the interests of the tree nurseries and also not in the interests of politics, which assumes its success in the degree of its intervention and als a minor class of society can only benefit from it by diverting energy and taxing it. Anyone who clears too much damaged wood from the forest and explains that there is a risk of fire will also drive the bark beetle into the fresh wood. The next danger was presented to the populist: the dying of forests: The Waldsterben.

In Central Europe, one person can work on 15,000 square meters in such a way that they can pass this land on to the next generation in the same or better condition. That has something to do with the amount of sunlight, per square meter. In Spain an average of 3.5 people live in this area, in the capital Madrid 79.5. But it is not the case that human progress could change this relationship between human / surface / soil quality. He can only use this technique to extract the energy from one surface in order to supply it to the other, which is heavily populated. The energetic costs of logistics will also be reflected in the negative balance. The arrow from the buffalo is automatically directed at the neighbor in order to distribute the hunting area, and this effort also costs energy that needs to be imported in order to be available on one’s own land.

If you have already developed your own opinion about human intervention , please read no further. Cancel culture shows the way.

Anyone who regards the symphony orchestra as a cultural achievement of a society should not deny the price (redirection of resources to the detriment of the neighbors). There are only symphony orchestras on this planet where there is agricultural overproduction. Where around 5000 children die of hunger and thirst every day, no music plays.
It may help in the short term if the neighbor is far away, the chief speaks of meat deniers and the hunter of grass-eaters. But if the neighbor then wants to get closer to the meat pot, it was good to have invested in longer arrows early on.

Collateral damage

Hoimar von Ditfurth once put prospective development worker students in front of a computer simulation in a science program. With a fixed budget, they were able to invest in consulting, wells, tractors and hospital wards. The computer simulated the coming year. And it looked better year after year. More children, less child mortality, more housing, population growth. After 20 years the budget was exhausted and the population was released into its fate. It looked good, better than ever. What the budding development worker students did not knew was, that the simulation would continue to calculate for the next 20 years, now with no extra external budget.
No spare parts for the old agricultural machinery, no money for the infirmary, wells that are drying up, fields that are too salty. After 40 years, fewer people were living in the same area than before the student’s intervention.

There was a hidden role in the simulation, based on sunlight and square meter.

So if students are not supposed to intervene in the fate of nature with their half-knowledge, then scientists, who are concerned with the study of reality should not be used to set the pace for political decisions. When these scientists withdraw from a confusing real world into the simulation of a subset of the same, and thus declare simulated evidence to be the yardstick for politically correct action, then premise becomes fact, assumption becomes truth and evidence becomes belief. Whoever questions this, has to be seen as sneaky.

If you have already developed your own opinion about human intervention , please read no further. Cancel culture shows the way.

Surprisingly, you’re still reading on here! You may wonder what this story is doing on the website of an alternative living community. What do arrows, bark beetles, computer simulations and intestinal bacteria have to do with contemporary lifestyles? It is not an expression of the refusal to progress, it is not the swan song for serious science in Popper’s sense, it is rather the holistic view of the resulting patterns and the structure on which they are based. As a living community, we know about the relationship between area and people. As a living community, we know about the consequences of using tools for optimization. As a group, we know about the resulting structures from the division of labor and specialization. Anyone who walks through the pedestrian zone clapping their hands to drive away pink elephants may count their absence as a service, but we provide no way of counting them against salad (or meat).

We don’t question everything every day. We too are subject to the second principle of thermodynamics. But we allow ourselves and all of our neighbors to question everything. We locate progress in better simulations; the real world remains the benchmark for us. We navigate between assumptions and avoid dogmas. In our relationships, we refer to fellow human beings, not to roles that others assign to them. You can’t really see our permaculture garden. We are still studying. We hold back with the imagination of interfering with nature. We don’t want to create any needs and have suitable products in stock to meet them.

We avoid hierarchies and those that require hierarchies. Some of our visitors miss rules, distrust sustainability without law and order and can still answer the question of who should determine the violation, who checks and evaluates this misconduct and who carries out the resulting punishment. Most people seek security and simple solutions: arrow equals meat.
They pay with freedom and show solidarity with the guards. They go their own way, with no alternative: it just doesn’t work without arrows. And if the old arrows are really no longer useful, they can at best be replaced by new, better ones.
The populist promotes alienation from nature, and what is meant here is the attempt to manipulate the simulation in the minds of his followers. He knows that this increases the distance between the real world and subjective simulation. That is his leeway, enough for pink elephants.
A community that has no room for this populist cannot become popular. A community that hardly distinguishes outside and inside cannot show a strong profile.

the difference between managing and controlling

This is a story within a story within the story. You wanted it that way and you have read on until now. Therfor now it’s the story in your head, in your own simulation. And this story of yours is embedded in the history of our society which is part of the great history of this universe. Cancel culture equals malfunction – to late. Go ahead, avoid people who clap their hands and want to be rewarded for it.

how to measure sustainability

According to an actual diskussion in our forum we like to share some facts about our first art camp in early summer 2018 in the campus of our free university of informal education (UNIIE).

As already published  – count down … – we created an infrastructure of shower and sinks and a catering place in the color garden. We did this to expand our possibilities to host groups of people at the same time and to develop our educative projects like UNIEE (free university of informal education).

We used trash and waste to set up the structures like refurbished wood from paletts, sinks from trash and ibc tanks from industry.

In three weeks we established the camp and finished it just before we hosted the first group of students from a german high school.

It was used for 6 days by 40 kids and adults, sometimes more when we invited for special dinner (paella done by Clara!!).

Luke, a friend from australia, mentioned, that we used a lot of energy and material in infrastructure instead of using minimalistic solutions. he posted some samples in the forum.

We do not measure the distance between theoretical optimum and our reality, we measure the distance between our reality and the daily reality of our guests. We think, whatever we want to change in the relation between generations and their ressources and their biological food prints, we have to start in their realities.

A normal person use 122 liter water per day. In one TEDx – Talk we can listen that 50% of the sweet water in France is used for cooling nuclear power devices. Wether this is true or not, we are sure taht these 122 liter are not used in a close personal way.

In our first art camp all kids where sensibilized and stimulated to reduce the water usage as much as possible. Thanks to their teachers! Instead of theoretical 122 liter per day they used less than 10.

From our perspective this is a great result. Hopefully we will invite much more young people to further art camps and – as an aditional feature of beeing guest in our project – they reduce their biological food prints in a fundamental way.

Signpost mounted – another work of art

German home unit 1276 km far from the color garden, the first three arrows

We finished the first arrows of the signpost in the sculpture garden and mounted them. As a remark from Mihaela from Lugoj, that are exactly the colors of the romanian flag. So welcome Mihaela :).

Clara from La Senieta and the complete signpost

In the next days we will complete the installation with arrows to Martha´s home, the german home unit of Familiafeliz group EL-DRAC. If you want to be part of the project check this page and mount your own signpost.

step four – entrance to the sculpture garden

finishing the entrance to the sculpture garden – step four

We finished the step number four to the entrance of the sculpture garden. Also we arranged a little the frame of stones around the entrance.


an new guide on the left side of the entrance

On the left side we started a new guide. On the left side without head, on the right side with a head.


the finish

The step number four is also to protect the soil on the upper terrace.


protecting the soil from the upper terrace

Left photo from the upper terrace, right photo from the lower terrace.

Second signpost in La Senieta Benicarlo Spain

new signpost in the garden of Clara – LA SENIETA – Benicarlo – Spain

We mounted a second signpost in the garden of LA SENIETA – the bio garden refugium of Clara. The signpost will host some links to the familiafeliz destinations and Clara will add some new locations of friends working in the field of permaculture, bio gardening, medicinal plants and social cultural projects like the color garden or the artist residence CASAdelDRAGON.

Do you want to mount your own signpost? Here is the form to calculate distance and direction.

Creating a new bed with tree

new little bed

In winter 2016 we created another bed. Again it was hard work to move stones and organic waste to the place.

cleaned and finished for the tree

Also we created a small way to pass the bed.

the wild tree in the center

We planted a wild tree (Acacia trachyphloia) in the center. This tree is able to store nitrogen in the soil and make it accessible for other plans.


end of the day

The tree was protected against strong wind and we started with a lot of water…

Third step

step number three in the sculpture garden

We did a third step in the sculpture garden. So we are on the way to finish the first stair to a upper level of the garden. Left side with cladding, right side after the finish.


step number three at the end of the day

And we will continue with number four…

first bed on the left side of the garden leaf

David with a first weelbarrow full of self made compost – thanks to Katrin (!)

Mounting a new bed in the garden is ever a challenge and moving a lot of stones is one of the first activities. The design of the garden is a leaf. So according to that we defined another three areas on the top of the left side of this leaf and started with the first.


Katrins quality compost is working…

A premier accoured by using first time self made compost to rise the quality of the bed.

International workers


One miricle of the color garden in Cervera del Maestre is its opportinity to meet people from different countries. Clara from Valencia / Spain was working together with Luke from Australia.


Tanacetum vulgare L., Syn.: Chrysanthemum vulgare (L.) Bernh.) – left photo – scribbles of the beds in the color garden right photo

The plant tanaceto – tansy – on the left photo was a donation from clara to the color garden. Some traditional dyers use tansy to produce a golden-yellow color. The flower heads of the tansy produce a dark yellow hue together with the mordant alum. For the mordant, 12 to 20 g of alum are taken per 100 g of wool. Dark green is the coloring with an alum pre-stain, iron sulfate after-stain and ammonia developing bath. One needs about 400 g of fresh flowers for 100 g of wool.