buenavistacervera – aftermath

Update 2025-01-16

Today the benches were handed over to the village. They will initially be kept in the community warehouse. The mayor suggested finding a suitable setting in which the benches could be presented to the public and then inaugurated in special locations.

Meanwhile, the completion of the remaining pieces of work continues.

buenavistacervera-workshop - aftermath - cervera by night
buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – cervera by night

As is often the case in January, the setting sun bathes the landscape in a warm sunset glow. This too is #BUENAVISTACERVERA.

buenavistacervera-workshop - aftermath - banco de verdad lift-up
buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – banco de verdad lift-up

The Banco de Verdad hangs on a hook and hovers over Calle Las Parras.

buenavistacervera-workshop - aftermath - banco de verdad - on the way to the storage 3
buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – banco de verdad – on the way to the storage 3

The Banco de verdad is on its way to the municipality’s warehouse. As soon as we know the date of the official inauguration of the benches, we will publish it on the website.

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buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – 01

over 20 people
over 300 hours of work
over 3000 screws

as a sign of friendship, love and happiness for the residents of this beautiful village
Happy New Year

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buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – 02

At the end we also collected the bad pallet wood and made firewood out of it. The nails are sifted out of the ashes and taken to the scrap dealer.

We will rework some of the nails and use them for a work of art.

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buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – 03

We have not yet been able to process all of the subframes. Today, Tuesday, after the workshop, we were able to complete the shell of another bench. This bench will have a connection to Saxony-Anhalt, the partner region of the Pais Valenciano.

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buenavistacervera-workshop – aftermath – 04

The finished benches are waiting in Calle Las Parras to be transported to the place where they will be handed over to the municipality. The St. Antonie festival was cancelled due to strong winds and will be rescheduled at short notice. The new branch of the MUARCO museum is ready. We don’t yet know where the municipality will put it. We will report back.