buenavistacervera – day 01

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 - the working area
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – the working area

2025-01-02 we started the workshop #buenavistacervera in the CASAdelDRAGON in Cervera del Maestre.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 - the working material
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – the working material

First, we laid out many pallets, pre-sorted the wood, removed the nails from the boards and cut pieces that were no longer usable to size ready for the oven.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 - the workbench from Tina and Dirk
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – the workbench from Tina and Dirk

As always, a temporary workplace had to be built first.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 - miet fighting with the nails
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – miet fighting with the nails

In order to knock out crooked nails, we use pliers.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 - Jep dismantles the pallets
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – Jep dismantles the pallets

When dismantling the pallets, the wood is pre-sorted. We use long crowbars and long squared timbers with good leverage.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 -  Square timber used as a lever
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – Square timber used as a lever

The squared timbers are particularly suitable because they offer a larger support when lifting the boards. Nevertheless, some boards break through. But that’s not a bad thing. The wood shows us in this first step which parts are to be used later for the static construction and which are not.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 -  the first frames for benches are pre-assembled.
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-01 – the first frames for benches are pre-assembled

The very good work result for the first day, 6 base frames for benches are already pre-assembled.
We are looking forward to the next few days.

Timeline Day 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | aftermath