buenavistacervera – day 02

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 - dis - assemble more pallets
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 – dis – assemble more pallets

On the second day of the workshop, a few new participants arrived. In order to further clean up the work environment and prepare more material for the next few days, even more pallets were dismantled.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 - store and select prepared pieces
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 – store and select prepared pieces

Pre-cut boards were stored in a suitable location. This makes it easier to select them when the seats for the pallet benches are later made. The boards are sorted according to thickness, length, wood quality and type of wood.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 - more pre - fabrication
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 – more pre – fabrication

Further panels were dismantled and particularly thick boards were prepared for later static tasks in the substructure of the benches.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 - more basic structures for benches
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 – more basic structures for benches

Particularly good pallets are split in the middle. The two side parts are later screwed together to form a bench.

buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 - base of trencadis - bench
buenvistacervera-workshop-day-02 – base of trencadis – bench

Dilan was still keen to continue until late into the night. So it was decided to convert one of the benches into a “trencadis” bench and that same evening a concrete slab was poured into a previously built frame. The concrete slab is reinforced and strengthened with wire and fabric. Tomorrow it will be covered with tile mosaics.

Timeline Day 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | aftermath