All objects will be provided with a reference to the name of the art project. The first signs will be lasered, impregnated and painted.
So far, 12 base frames have been manufactured. There is still a lot to be painted and impregnated.
Francesca continued working on the “Bank of Truth”.
Another substructure is being completed with a box underneath the seat. This will house the “new” library of Alexandria. The book box will later invite people to exchange books and will be registered online.
The substructures are impregnated and then stored until it is decided which “social interaction” is to be offered there. This substructure is then adapted, extended and then pre-painted and impregnated again. All of this happens before the seats are designed and manufactured.
The game of Nine Men’s Morris is over 3500 years old. There are many variations. The first bench #buenavistacervera No. 01 in this project invites you to play Nine Men’s Morris (instructions in ESP, EN and DE).
#buenavistacervera bench No. 10 from this project is called “cartas de amor”. It allows lovers in the area to hide love letters for their loved ones and then lure them to the place where this bench will later be installed by the municipality of Cervera del Maestre…
Timeline Day 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | aftermath