buenavistacervera – day 08

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - impregnations without end - make it black today
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – impregnations without end – make it black today

The eighth day of the workshop was attended by Jess and Maria-Isabel. Jess devoted the entire day to painting the benches. We had set this day as the last day to be used for waterproofing. The last ninth day was to be reserved exclusively for remaining work and improvements to the finished objects.

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - impregnations without end - make it black today
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – impregnations without end – make it black today

The children’s stools assembled the day before could also be waterproofed.

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - impregnations without end - make it black today
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – impregnations without end – make it black today

Jess continued working tirelessly on the benches all day.

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - impregnations without end - make it black today
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – impregnations without end – make it black today

The impregnation is always carried out after the boards for the seats have been dismantled. This prevents the dark impregnation from seeping into the mostly untreated wood of the seats.

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - impregnations without end - make it black today
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – impregnations without end – make it black today

The MUARCO bench has a seating surface and a flap to protect the works of art in the exhibition space.

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - building a drawer - second attempt
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – building a drawer – second attempt

Marie-Isabel is working on her fossil swap bench and adjusting the newly designed drawer.

buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 - impregnations without end - make it black today
buenavistacervera-workshop-day-08 – impregnations without end – make it black today

In the foreground is Tina and Dirk’s special bench. Without the boards for the seats, it looks almost like a “normal bench”. Tomorrow this secret will be revealed.

Timeline Day 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | aftermath