After the first big flood in October 2018 in Castellon with more than 400 liter per square meter in 24 hours we had to repair an old part of a ancient street in our valley.
The flood washed out a lot of stones and gravel. The pathway became a river. This old street is part of the old infrastructure of pathways around our village Cervera del Maestre and therefor connetcted to the Camino de Santiago and the roman “highway” Via Augusta.
As in many cases old roads are talking a lot about culture, time, societies and trades. In our case we collected a lot of iron pieces, washed out from the flood and collected in lower areas between stones.
Every of this pieces has its own history. Some of them we can identify as parts of ancient tools for gardening and agriculture. some of them came from old wood constructions in local houses.
We collect them to use them as part of our artworks and as an ingrediente of a recipe to make black ink together with pomegrans.
To rebuild the street we collected local stones of different sizes nearby. It took us 4 days of work to rebuild just the ten meter of the ancient pathway.
If you come to the color garden, follow the signpost arrow to “Via Augusta” and with a little bit of luck you will find also a piece of european history between the rocks of this ancient pathway.