Category Archives: chicken unit

The new food order – the art of raising chicken

the new food order - join the team and care about your food
the new food order – join the team and care about your food

CASAdelDRAGON is a social space, a think tank, an art hot spot in the province Castellon and a lab to improve new concepts of sozial art at all.

This is a story about raising chicken, doing social art, listening an australian prime minister, realizing the new world order of a global food chain and setting up a new working unit of our community in Spain.

i am what i eat, i eat what i sow, I sow what I like, i like what i am.

Juan Petry

It’s a story about lots of animals, lots of people, lots of screws, lots of recycling, lots of fun, and an unusual exhibition at the contemporary art gallery CASAdelDRAGON.

In the spring of 2022, a few friends of Familiafeliz got together to start a chicken farming project. That alone would not be the beginning of a new social sculpture, but a real verified interest of a target group is the motivation for the artist to start one.
Familiafeliz has been keeping chickens in the home unit in Germany for more than 25 years and has a lot of experience in rearing and caring for them.

A 28-year-old incubator has been waiting for its first use in the CASAdelDRAGON for many years.

the new food order - the old wooden incubator - re-use after 28 years
the new food order – the old wooden incubator – re-use after 28 years

First, hatching eggs from different sources were brought together. The new flock of chickens should show a high level of genetic variance in order to ensure diversity in the species and robustness and health of the brood later when rearing new generations.

the new food order - selecting eggs for the incubator
the new food order – selecting eggs for the incubator

Artificial brood is certainly the second choice when rearing chickens naturally, but it offers many advantages, especially when starting over. The absence of older animals prevents the transmission of many parasites, the animals are of the same age and grow up together, which reduces the stress of group integration. The controlled supply of the animals with high-quality organic feed right from the start guarantees health, well-being and vitality of the animals later.

The selection of the hatching eggs included the option of combining specific characteristics of selected breeds for later breeding. The choice fell on: Ayam Cemani, BiBlue, Sussez, Marans, Oliver Eggs, Araucana, Ameraucana, Rhode Island and local breeds with good adaptation to the local climate of the Maestrazgo.

the new food order - marking the hatching eggs for documentation
the new food order – marking the hatching eggs for documentation

Simultaneously with the beginning of incubation, several chick homes were built. The aim was to recycle as much material as possible from the large pool of 36 years of rebuilding the CASAdelDRAGON and 15 years of running the gallery on the ground floor of the house.

the new food order - building chich houses
the new food order – building chich houses

The simultaneous construction of several chick houses should allow a selection of the chicks according to size and breed right from the start. The design should take into account the natural needs of the chicks and at the same time offer the possibility of relaxed natural breeding with a mother hen (separated from the group).

the new food order - electrical installation
the new food order – electrical installation

The electrical installation served to connect a light source and a heating source.

the new food order - chick home with heat source
the new food order – chick home with heat source

Chicken eggs hatch for 21 days. Between the third and seventeenth day, the eggs are regularly turned, at least twice. In natural breeding, this is done by the mother hen.

the new food order - moving the eggs
the new food order – moving the eggs

The mother hen also pays attention to the signals from the eggs and sorts out rigorously what does not answer accordingly. After the seventeenth day, the eggs are no longer turned and the incubator is only opened briefly to check the humidity and temperature. Particular attention must be paid to a good supply of fresh air, because the chicks’ lungs start working long before hatching and breathe through the closed (porous) eggshell.

the new food order - preparing for the chikcs to move in
the new food order – preparing for the chikcs to move in

The goal is to hatch and raise healthy, strong chickens. The preparation of the chicks for the expected habitat and its challenges is an important moment. This also includes the contamination of the chick home with bacteria and germs that occur in this habitat. For this purpose we dug up topsoil from the garden and single grasses that are offered to the chicks from the beginning. Some larvae and beetles were also found in this natural soil, a very popular prey for the chicks.

the new food order - mounting the next exhibition
the new food order – mounting the next exhibition

An important aspect of a social sculpture is the interaction with the target group. The change to use the project for informal education was taken into account from the beginning.

the new food order - informal learning at its best
the new food order – informal learning at its best

The audience followed the hatching process attentively.

the new food order - happy birthday
the new food order – happy birthday

After 21 days, the chicks hatched. In artificial hatching, a hatch rate of over 60% is a success when the sources of the hatching eggs are not certain and thus the fertilization rate of the eggs is not clear. In the project we were happy about 32 healthy chicks, which corresponded to a rate of about 70%.

The chicks form a community by vocalizing even before hatching and agree on the moment of hatching. You can listen to them communicating and watch them break through the eggshell with the greatest expenditure of energy. Anyone who manages to do it on their own shows the absolute will to live and immediately sets out to explore the new environment.

the new food order - team building
the new food order – team building

The pack behavior is distinctive, provides protection and security, and creates trust for the habitat and its challenges.

This is the story of the chicks, and it is also a story of the people. On the day the first chick was born, Australia’s incumbent Prime Minister introduced legislation that could make food production in Australia difficult, if not impossible, for private individuals. This political initiative is just one of many to re-regulate global production, supply chains and conditions of food production. If, at the same time, the emergency slaughter or the house arrest of millions of animals are ordered because of the claim of a new wave of bird flu, the question arises as to who wants to push through which agenda to the benefit of whom. Nature usually responds to challenges with diversity, diversity in genotype and phenotype, diversity in habitat, food supply and climate.

Globalists strive for centralized solutions. They suspect the easier control. Kevin Kelly’s book “Out of Control” described many developments early on. The hubris of controlling nature remains a companion in the development of adolescent societies that have not yet made it out of their egg of presumption about the nature of their reality.

The egg doesn’t come out of the box (bought in a super market). It comes from a living being. And it needs people to raise it, nurture it, feed it, and be willing to share the fruits of their labor with others.

This article is dedicated to such people: Agnieska, Aura, Maria, Jens, Dilan and Francesca.

Most chickens are given names, which makes it easier to operate in day-to-day communication with each other.
The first chick that hatched also got a name: Dan.

Smart units – the better way of colaboration

smart working unit chicken farming - visit of the local primary school in CASAdelDRAGON
smart working unit chicken farming – visit of the local primary school in CASAdelDRAGON

At a time when everything is supposed to appear smart – cell phones, cities, governments – it’s time to show that there are real alternatives to classic economy: the smart working units of Familiafeliz, for example.

On Francesca’s initiative, Familiafeliz has started to set up a new working unit: chicken farming in the Spanish home unit. In the construction phase, we create the infrastructure for rearing and keeping the animals. The aim is to make the working unit autonomous and independent of other activities in color garden, according to our charter.
We are inspired by Cecosesola in Venezuela, a network of cooperatives with an extremely smart approach to establishing a new economy in communities.

The few rules of Cecosesola are: no hierarchy, everyone gets the same wage, plenum with consensus AND veto. Those who stay away permanently are automatically kicked out. 4 rules are organizing 43,000 people at Cecosesola, peacefully, without corruption, without police, judiciary and penal system. This can be a real model for the innovative organization of people beyond turbo-capitalism.

smart working unit chicken farming - Chick home for the first few days
smart working unit chicken farming – Chick home for the first few days

In our German home unit we have been raising chickens with one break for over 25 years. The experiences flow into the Spanish project.
We also provided the infrastructure in Germany. The chickens are cared for by several parties (families). This allows each individual team member to travel and does not permanently bind him to the place. All services provided by the members of this unit are gifts to the group. No one calculates who has worked for how many hours. A list is kept and all those involved enter their willingness to provide care in advance for the coming month. This list is available to everyone in the stable.
In this way, a direct contact can also be made at short notice if a team member cannot take care of the previously announced support on one day. It has emerged that individual members of the group have preferences, some being more concerned with logistics and finances, others more concerned with the animals. Everyone gives what they like and to the extent that they like. Rarely is a care time to be negotiated. It works, quietly, stress-free, just smart.

smart working unit chicken farming - the way of understanding - connect to nature
smart working unit chicken farming – the way of understanding – connect to nature

The poultry working unit in Germany offers the following products: eggs, hatching eggs, chicks, young animals, chickens, hens ready to lay eggs, selected cocks for breeding. In Spain, education will be added to encourage others to keep chickens.
In Germany, the eggs are offered at a reasonable market price, currently 50 euro cents.
EVERYONE has to pay this price, whether customer or team member. There is no strife between members of the group, and no conflict of interest between team members who have high egg consumption in their families and those who eat little or no eggs at all.
The income covers the costs, fodder, tools, hatching eggs, young animals from external sources to refresh the gene pool. The surplus money will be returned to the teams.
The balance after 25 years: no arguments, few discussions, always enough money for the first-class supply of organic feed, high-quality food, local recycling of food waste, and the development of an extended community of customers who regularly buy eggs and the animals with their visit children.

smart working unit chicken farming - the first team member - age 4 weeks
smart working unit chicken farming – the first team member – age 4 weeks

This team is currently being formed in Cervera. Familiafeliz continues to make the infrastructure available free of charge. We will not dictate how this working unit will ultimately organize itself (we will report!).
But after more than 25 years we can take stock: based on the innovations of Cecosesola, it works… smart.