Category Archives: EL-DRAC Gallery

Pictures of an exhibition – participatory social art performance

On the artist website you could read a quot from Elon Musk: “I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world.” and the reply from the spanish german artist Juan Petry: “I wanted to be involved in worlds that would change the thing.” Following his mission to figure out agagin and again new kinds of participatory social sculptures he invited friends and neighbours – with the german artist Rolf Habel – to a very special art exhibition.

Under the titlle “Copii de Ciocanesti – the kids of Ciocanesti” he mounted 14 canvas in the “room for art” in Windeck near Cologne, in our second home unit in Germany.

Every canvas was related to a real human friend in the area of Ciocanesti, a villlage 31 kilometer far from the capital Bucharest in Romania. Laura, Raluca, Irina and all the other children of the yearly summer school where described with a portrait foto, a short description and some information about their role in this summer school event.

The “special” in this exhibition was the issue, that no painting was worked out. Petry had mounted white canvas at each place.

Before the audiance entered the exhibition space, Petry talked about his experience in the summer school in the last two years and his workshops and the lovely people in Romania.

After a walk from canvas to canvas talking about the little stories related to the kids of Ciocanesti the audience started to work out all paintings. Everybody choosed 3 or 4 stories and they organised themselves in teams to paint 14 works in 4 hours.

Finally all art works where mounted again and we all enjoyed a walk through this “pictures of an exhibition”.

This is one of the works, titled: “Raluca”.

Familiafeliz Info Day 2018-10-06

FamiliaFeliz Info(rmation Day) 2018 – 10 – 06 from 10 am to 10 pm – Cervera del Maestre – Castellon – Spain

We come together with members, helpers and friends of our community to talk about further steps to develop our living community. We will show you our projects, resources, partners and opportunities and we are interested in your dreams, ideas and projects.

We will enjoy this day with delicious food and a lot of fun.

We have a lot of space for cars, caravans and  vans and mobile homes and we have some caravans on our colorgarden plot and limited places in the artist residence CASAdelDRAGON in the village nearby. Accommodation is free.

You could apply here for staying up to 3 nights for a short visit around this Info Day or apply here as a volunter for a longer visit.

the ray of hope 2018 – lightsculptures and sound

Friday night we invited friends to see some lightful objects in the art camp in the colorgarden of CASAdelDRAGON. We started at 22.30 hrs in the lower part of the plot. Following the sign ARTCAMP. we created some amazing light sculptures like this…

We will continue this work with joy and entusiasm. Thanks to all the friends for helping us!

AMAL – Hope – social art exhibition

Sunday 05.08.2018 we inaugurate the new exhibition in the gallery of the CASAdelDRAGON in Cervera del Maestre, Castellon. AMAL is arabic language and means hope, esperanca, Hoffnung… we show samples of social art projects and invite you to join these projects. As part of the exhibition we open the first RegaloBar in Cervera del Maestre, a place to donate, exchange: art, household goods, little devices… or just to enjoy a coffee (for free).

Bar and exhibition will be open every saturday and sunday from 10 to 12 am.

You are welcome to bring and donate your own household staff, clothes, little furnitures, books, electronic devices and take whatever you find and like…for free!

Some background information about the exhibition: the bee | copii dan ciocanesti – the kids of ciocanesti | aquaponics | RegaloBar |