In fact in the last year we get several requests form “older” people looking for community life and willing to join familiafeliz. Beside the great idea of having 4 generations under one roof and the advantage even for young generations to interact with older once it questions the capacities and ressources of our little community.
Stimulated by a real person we call this “group of requests” R.O.L.F. = (r)eally (o)lder (l)ovely (f)reaks.
one important question for a sustainable living community is, how we act with kids, another very importent is, how we are able to welcome older generations to partizipate in our life style and how to integrate and maintain these guys.
we started a discussion about R.O.L.F. and welcome your ideas.
In fact we see this as a challenge and advantage and not as a problem to solve. nevertheless we have no master plan for this.