Category Archives: HU Windeck

Felling trees in the german home unit

Winter time in Germany is a chance to develop the garden area. Even “bigger” works are useful. After 22 years and some damage due to winter storms it was time to fell some trees.


With the help of friends and neighbors we decided tofell a large fir and two birches.


Now we have a lot of wood for winter evenings.

We want R.O.L.F.s – and how to manage?

In fact in the last year we get several requests form “older” people looking for community life and willing to join familiafeliz. Beside the great idea of having 4 generations under one roof and the advantage even for young generations to interact with older once it questions the capacities and ressources of our little community.

Stimulated by a real person we call this “group of requests” R.O.L.F. = (r)eally (o)lder (l)ovely (f)reaks.

one important question for a sustainable living community is, how we act with kids, another very importent is, how we are able to welcome older generations to partizipate in our life style and how to integrate and maintain these guys.

we started a discussion about R.O.L.F. and welcome your ideas.

In fact we see this as a challenge and advantage and not as a problem to solve. nevertheless we have no master plan for this.

Windecks new chicken runway

Jens and Corinna preparing a new way

In the home unit Windeck we have around 50 chicken. They have to pass a small – and often wed – area in winter to reach the green grass area near the bio garden.


stones and ceramic rests for foundation, in top concrete steps

Now it was time to fix that. It was not comfortable to walk in this muddy ground.


In balance, finishing a step…

Jens and Corinna used old concrete pieces to form a stable way from the poultry stable to the garden. Nice to have this activities of making the right way in both home units at the same time. In the spanish home unit it was the first step to the entrance of the sculpture garden.