Slowly but surely we start to think about the return journey. We leave again next Sunday. After a week of illness, one after another in bed with a severe fever, we slowly crawl out of our little hole again and there is the reality we have to deal with. And that reality is that we are sold on this beautiful village. That the future worries us and that we want to make different choices that, in our opinion, fit better into that vision of the future. Here in Cervera and in FamiliaFeliz we find solidarity, a different way of living together, a view of life that suits us. And so we are looking for a place to live. We saw a house that made all five of us happy. We’ll see if the universe agrees with us.
It’s crazy to think that just a year ago, FamiliaFeliz wasn’t on my radar at all. And now we have been here 3 different times of the year, we have immersed ourselves in the life of the village and the community for 5 weeks and we are about to take the first step towards a future here. That feels exciting and terrifying at the same time. But when I stare at the sea in the distance from the roof terrace of CASAdelDRAGON and imagine that this is where our future lies, I can only smile.
And of course I am very aware that this will not be an easy journey. There are five of us in this family, each with their own story and past. This past may be a little shorter for the boys, but they too have built a life that they will have to leave behind. Their friends in the neighborhood, the football club, our house and the family. These are all aspects of their current lives that they cannot take with them to Cervera. Even though it all happened quickly, we want to make the transition as smooth as possible. Not only for them but also for ourselves. We involve the boys in all steps we take and let them decide to what extent they want to participate. Sometimes they are very interested, other times less so. It’s all good. We tell them openly and honestly why we want to leave and they understand very well in their own way what a different life could mean for us and why we want to take the step. That doesn’t necessarily make the step easier, but it does make it bearable. The past few weeks have also yielded a lot for them. New friends have been made, new skills learned, new people met and new situations arise. Fortunately, there is plenty to look forward to for them aswell.
The same goes for my husband and me. Even though we consciously started this search, it will be quite an adjustment for us to make this big step. We move to another country, with a different language and different customs, far from our family and friends. In addition, we will have a different life financially. And we are also responsible for our 3 sweet boys so that their lives will not be further turned upside down than is absolutely necessary. Add to that the search for a new home and we have our work cut out for us.
But putting all fear and worries aside for a moment, what a wonderful opportunity reveals itself here before us. And it continues to reveal itself. Sometimes big and sometimes small, but I am always surprised by the possibilities of a life here. This isn’t about appearance, it’s about who you are as a person. This is what matters and this is where your value lies and that is a relief. And I feel extremely grateful for everyone we have been able to meet all the times we have been here. Everyone contributed in his or her own way to our feeling of wanting to take on this new adventure.