Among other activities around the artist residence CASA DEL DRAGON we found
and develop a dye garden. This garden is part of the world wide project and we are happy to announce the first garden of this UNESCO certified project in País Valenciano.
The garden is located adjacent to the village of Cervera del Maestre in the province of Castellon. In this unit we aim to explore and use knowledge of plants and sustainable
production of pigments and usable colours for artists (ink, water colour, oil colour…).
We also wish to share our knowledge and experience with other dye gardens around the world and develop an internal market to exchange seeds, tools and plants.
In conjunction with the official education center of the sevengardens founder
Peter Reichenbach in Dinslaken, Germany, we offer workshops and studies.
We wish to build the garden in the sense of Epicurus and establish a place of encounter,
dialogue and recreation with quiet zones. Additionaly to the dye garden we plan to build a sculpture garden, offer working areas for artists and an open stage for various events.