CASAdelDRAGON in Cervera del Maestre in Castellon is a hotspot of contemporary art and invited the musician Andreu Ubach to perform one night with his extraordenary sound sculptures in the gallery.
Ubachs instruments are manufactured by himself, inspired by the Bachet brothers.
On Monday night Ubach explained and played on various sound sculptures and invited the guests to join the social process of making the sound of love.

In the beginning everybody was to shy to touch one of the impressive instruments. But Ubach and his charme moved everybody to join the performance.

Finding his own rhythm again and again and stimulate the other players to join his sequences is a big challenge for a professional drummer like Jordi Effe. But finally after more than 2 hours of constaniously playing the sound became a solid body and emitted some beautiful sequences of impressive melodies.

By changing position and instrument the group discovered again and again new rhythms and collages of sound pieces.
The very special accoustic environment of the little exhibition space in the house of the dragon moved the sound to magical impressions.

Overall we have to say thank you to Andreu Ubach for his short visit. We also want to underline the big help of Cecile in preparing the space and performing with Andreu in such an harmonic way that all guests where fascinated and impressed and highly motivated to join the performance.
The invitation to join social art projects is a neverending challenge for our community and we hope, guests like Jordi will carry these invitations ot other members of the village and abroad.
We grabbed some videos and sounds and we will publish it soon as possible.