Do good things and talk about it.
Volkmar Schultz – former member of german parliment
Now, more than 30 months after publishing the final draft of the charter of familiafeliz in english we are happy to publish the slovenian version .
We didn’t expected a specific growth of the community at this time, nor we do now. But we where hoping that this document would help us to spread the message of a contemporary alternative living community and its values and goals.
We invited a lot of guests in the last years to have a closer look to the reality of our community. We didn’t overastimated the PROs and we didn’t underastimated the CONs of our living reality. Even by showing the weakness of the community and the limitations of its members we tried to create and to maintain the social space for personal happiness.
Again and again we saw people coming, full of illusions about sustainability and just checking ressources and looking for their own benefits. Even we donated accommodation and food to people, who where not willing to donate this to others.
We maintained this open door to be able to find people to share this contemporary idea of living together in a weak community with powerful members.
We enjoyed a lot of discussions about communty life and social values and even the charter was a lot of times a useful reference for this.
In fact, it works! – After all this time we – the members of familiafeliz – still feel very comfortable with this charter and its implications for our daily life. We have no tendency to change it. Even some very critical comments from visitors made us more sure about its values.
Also we noticed that our way of life is still inspiring for some guests. Especially the international background of these guests motivates us to spread the message of how we could organise people in peace and happiness into the world. Quoting an old friend and politician, it make sense for us to publish now the slovenian version of this charter. Maybe we find some slovenian people interested in international and decentralised communities. So we send this message in the bottle (by using social media).
Very grateful we say thank you to Nina for the translation. With her professional background as a translater for the European Commission and her social skills and her profund questions she opened another door for us to spread the message of a community in which the currency for interaction is donation. As we received Ninas donation of this translation we will donate it to the slovenian community, to people looking for another way of life, with pleasure.