I la llum es va fer

 “Que existeixi la llum”. I la llum va existir.

(Gn 1,3)
contemporary art exhibition in the house of the dragon
contemporary art exhibition in the house of the dragon

I la llum es va fer

Per Assumpta Arasa Altimira i Ira Vonnegut

I, van passar els anys, mil·lennis, i la vida al planeta, a poc a poc, ho va anar cobrint tot. Perquè cada societat ha intentat explicar com va ser aquest inici. Com en un petit planeta, d’una estrella de nivell 40, ha sigut capaç de crear-se vida. I quina vida!

Però malgrat aquesta bellesa, podem estar tristos i tristes. Incendis, inundacions, desequilibris atmosfèrics, aniquilació d’espècies d’animals senceres, contaminació de rius, aires irrespirables, el final real d’aquest el nostre paradís sembla que el tenim davant dels nostres ulls.

Avui, més que mai, ens veiem obligats i obligades a lluitar per casa nostra, la Terra. Per això, la necessitat de fer aquesta exposició. Perquè també des de l’Art i la Cultura hem de reivindicar la vida i la dignitat d’aquesta, perquè necessitem que la Llum i l’Esperança torni a fer-se! (PDF)

And the light was done

And, years, millennia passed, and life on the planet, little by little, covered everything. Because, as far as we know, every society has tried to explain how this beginning was. As it seems strange for our small planet (one from a star level 40) to create life. And what a beautiful life! 

But despite this beauty, we can be very sad. Fires, floods, atmospheric imbalances, the annihilation of whole animal species, river pollution, breathless air, the end of this paradise seems to be just in front of our eyes, facing this every single day.

Today, more than ever, we, as humans, are forced to fight for our home, the Earth. This is why we want and need to put together this exhibit. Because we believe that we must vindicate, also trough Art and Culture, the life on our planet and its dignity, because we need Light and Hope to exist again!

Inauguration : 21.03.2020 – 7 pm – CASAdelDRAGON, Las Parras,19 – 12578 Cervera del Maestre – Castellon – Spain – special guest > musician Sinta Salvadó

Exhibition 22.03.2020 – 08.05.2020 – every Saturday and Sunday 10am to 2pm

This exhibition is linked to several workshops, located at the art camp of CASAdelDRAGON.

mas actividads… / more activities…

all about love – painting session | mosaic workshop – tencadis