Teaching overestimates. Learning underestimates.
Juan petry
At times when mothers begin to hoard food, there is often little time to think about grand life plans. When the unsuspecting humans begin to suspect something, morality disappears. When common values are disappearing into the history books, when fear is stoked, when language is confused, societies deteriorate. The tension rises, it discharges into violence. In anger, the creator finds the strength to set the new and sets the seed for its later decline as well.

The condition for avoiding the danger hides the actual intention. The question of how one is allowed to belong becomes more important than the question of what one might belong to. The appeal is for the common good, the individual has to step back, it is “proclaimed” again.
No wonder that so many people are looking for new communities. Some find them in an alliance with the mainstream, others turn away and look for like-minded people in the off-space of society. After the industrial revolution comes the mental one. Who actually has the hubris to say it is the fourth?

Many communities promise protection, and so they join the chorus of carnival screamers who have salvation in their mouths and their own benefit in mind.
Offering protection from nature is a monstrous self-overestimation of the people, paired with the desire to drive a wedge between the inhabitant and the habitat, which has to be filled with products. These products make sense. Rationing opens up new possibilities.
The answer lies in dualism. As much as a person longs for community, he also desires individuality. Let’s do it together, then I’ll have more time for myself!

Familiafeliz as an open community offers a social space for individual happiness. The young people who enter the Color garden are breaking new ground. It is not the defined space of a training center, it is not the retreat of the do-gooders. It is a weak, flexible and open space in which the visitors dominate the action. Contradictions, disorganization and counterproductivity are indicators of the degree of freedom.

The children who visit the place deal with it self-consciously. They are aware of themselves. While the parents are still conceiving, negotiating and investigating, the young people have long been on their way, close to nature, close to the action. A Herakles who, under today’s circumstances, brings children into the world, accompanies and encourages them on their own path. It takes space and the understanding that it is easier to create and maintain this space together. The art camp in the garden of colors is such a place. And we are well advised not to pretend too much and to watch more where the journey will go.

Sometimes it is a place of searching, sometimes a place of finding. Sometimes it is a place of experience, sometimes of being. We hear Czech, French, Castellano and Catalan, English and German. In the mixture of cultures we can sense the new order. Our own socialization blocks our way to really recognize it, we cannot force it either. It will reveal, naturally.

Our ego searches for the truth, wants to do the right thing, exhausts itself in the justification. Even the recognition of the groundless justifies the action, and is communicated with regard to the algorithm: the reason for …