Next bed – step by step


Wind, animals and rain – the nature gives and takes (left as it was end of september, right side now in october 2016). In 2015 we moved a lot of natural stones in the bio garden and protected some beds – as an investigation – with rings of this stone walls. We learned in 2014/15 that the rain water flooded sometimes parts of the garden and we wanted to keep the soil in the places.


Between spring and summer the garden was nearly abandoned – exept some days with Katrin and Clara and later with Antje and Corinna. So it was time to rebuild also this bed.

second-year-bed5Working in the garden is a pleasure, if you see it as a mental activity. When we walk in the field, we are looking for the details, we focus the daily work (not looking what is to do at all).

Next step is, to cover the soil with straw or similar organic material out of the garden.