public domain money – alternativ economy in the cloud

version 1.1

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Based on a thread in the FB Group “The Alternativ Living Group” and its spin-off “A new beginning” we like to publish our ideas about a self organized flat hierarchy full transparent fund with public access.

We will name it PDM (public domain money) to make it short in this post but we do not stick on that name, lets take it as a working title*.


We want a 100% transparent self organized zero hierarchy solution to empower people to make investments in land and tools to develop and alternative sustainable common future.

We have no economic interest. No fees, no complicate conditions, easy to join (and leave) and without any risk for participants.

We will form a core group to develop PDM and this article is one of many inputs and momentums to start this team work.

Familiafeliz will donate some resources to this core group (space, technology, know-how, time) without any commercial interest.

In every country we have to respect the law and society conditions. “To lend money” in classical bank systems ends up in FIAT-money and a repitition of economicas crises and desasters. Also in every country an economical entity is created automatically if people come together to develop any kind of business. In tax driven societies this activity ends up in complex business models, hierarchy structures and finally it routes money and power from a big group of participiants to a smal group of an elite. To reject any economical interest and “to donate to a cloud” under the ambrella of an international social plastic PDM becomes a sustainable non-commercial and legal entity.

The target for the core group is to develop this PDM entity, in respect to law, resources and goal of the main idea. The target for the group of members will be later to use the entity to empower the participiants and to lend money.

One general remarkable condition should be this: whenever a classical group of people decide to come together to do something, it creates rules and laws and controling systems to reject mismanagement and crime. To maintain this controlling systems (named as police and justice) they pay a high price and this reduce the output. We have very clever samples of self-organized groups (like Cecosesola in Venecuela) which reject every rule which need to be monitored and supported by specialists. This means, we will implement only a structure which is so designed, that we do not need any form of control or judging about the behaiviour of its participiants.

A loan will be given to a person or group. Its given as a donation without expectation (this will help do avoid taxes and hierarchies). In most of the countries even donating money is connected to taxes (in Germany you have to pay taxes if you get a donation higher than 5000 Euro per year from one person!).

Imagine there is a group of 10.000 people who donate every month 1 euro. Then they invite possible founders to present their projects, business plans, risks and ROIs. They decide to route the money to some projects and every “investor” is able to “vote” for his favorite projects (like crowdfunding).

Projects with most votes get the loan and according to their business plans and ROIs they pay back.

Important to point out whats the difference to a crowdfunding platform and a bank or any other classical economical instrument:

  1. Its not a crowdfunding platform because the money returns in the hand of the investor.
  2. Its not a bank because there are no fees and no commercial interest.

So the most important thing in this project is, if a participiant gives money to the project, (s)he never loose the power to decide what happened to the money (equal if (s)he pay one time a life 100.000 Euro or every month 1 Euro (or pound, sorry, the currency doenst matter in this sample!!). In every round of voting everybody could vote again and again.

One important aspect: it will be an illusion to design and create a PDM which is so perfect that nobody could compromise it. The question is, if the design is so clever that any crime act against it will end up only by identifiing and excluding the agressor.

Status of this post in relation to the discussion (today 2018-09-10 4.30 p.m):

This is not an official set of rules, neither an official post of a group, not verified or proofed by the facebook group members or core team members. It is only an piece of ideas, published on an official website and describes the direction of familiafeliz and its members to join the process of creating PDM and a sustanaible solution for anybody to develop peace and freedom.

In the best case it is one of many thoughts about it and hopefully useful to succeed.

Possible resources FamiliaFeliz could offer:

living space, workspace, webspace, know-how and time

If you read this and you like it share this post and route people to the FB groups and / or try to join the core team and offer your skills and ideas to all of us. If you like the idea to use our forum you could apply for an account to use this open infrastructure by sending a short mail to our helpdesk ( welcome / at / familiafeliz . eu).

Lets continue the discussion in the FB group “A new beginning“. We will add here a new destination if the core group had decide to use another location to continue dialogue.


* To all natives, sorry for my poor english i did my best to use your language…