In March 2019 we had 22 visitors from Germany for one week in Cervera del Maestre in the CASAdelDRAGON. As part of the joint venture between the free University of informal education (UNIIE) and the Martin Luther University Halle (MLU) the students worked on an aquaponics project in the Color garden.
Beside this main activity UNIIE offered some workshops and lectures. To build “a rocket stove in one day” was one of these workshops. First we digged a hole based on the sizes of a “proof-of-concept-model”.
Then we filled 60 % of the hole with stones and gravel. Every year we have to consider more heavy rain events. Sometimes the area is flodded for a whole week. The stone gravel mix support later the weight of the construction.
In the next step we isolated the foundation from the later basement of the oven. To level the basement we used left over pieces of ceramic stones and brought them on the same height.
Than we filled the space between and we used some iron pieces to increase the stability.
In the next step we calculated the position of the burning chamber and prepared first the inside chamber mit “reflectarios” – ceramic which support high temperatures. Later we added the structure with ceramic bricks around.
To connect the stones we mixed soil with cal and cement (6:1:1) and water.
To build such a stove in only one day is a challenging experience for most of the students. Even to find a personal speed in using tools and working out details is part of a personal dialoge.
Everybody in the group rejected other offers to leave the project and we worked till late afternoon.
Working together and enjoying the result is main part of the workhops from our free university (UNIIE). In creating something with natural materials, working in nature and learning and practise at the same time is a key of deeper understanding and developing skills for further challenges.
The design of a rocket stove is based on physics. The advantage is, to heat up the air with any even less valuable wood in a very efficient process. Air with oxygen pass the wood chamber and burn in the burn chamber. The flame is strong because hot air leaving the stove sucks fresh air into the wood chamber and increase the burrning process.
The rocket stove in the art camp of the color garden is an additional fireplace to cook for friends and guests.
20 hours after digging the hole for the foundation we already cooked for the 22 students and some friends who joined us for lunch.
If you like to offer workshops as part of the UNIIE or if you like to join our activities use this application.