Our Cookie Policy
1. What is a Cookie?
A Cookie is a short text-file based on standards around the communication between webservers and browsers. As part of this communication channel a cookie is part of a technology to handle more “individual communication threads at the same time. The webserver deliver the cookie, the browser store it and deliver it again and again by any click and activity from browser to the server.
2. Why we store and handle Cookies?
We use wordpress, typo3 and other social media frameworks to build websites like artsurprise.eu or familiafeliz.eu or petry.eu or uniie.org or anyfree.org. All this websites are representatives for social art projects of the european contemporary artist Juan Petry. To use the funcionality of these website frameworks we use cookies to handle the communication process. You can deactivate using and storing cookies in your browser setup. If you deactivate the cookies, maybe our websites are not functional at all or not funcional in some areas.
We have no specific interest, even no commercial, to use cookies or other personal data you might be delivering in using your browser.
But keep in mind that even using the TCP/IP protocol and the infrastructure of the internet you will deliver a lot of information seen by any third party involved in the process of communication between your browser and our webserver.
We do not store or aggregate personal data for commercial interests. If you fill out a form, if you click the check button “i agree in storing my data…” you confirm using this data for further steps.
At any time you have the right to write us an email or call us and to get an overview about the data we have stored. At any time you could apply for erasing finally this data (only limited by national and international law).
3. What you have to agree using our service?
If you agree using this service you agree in using cookies and in general you agree in using our service under the actual national and international law and our cookie policy and our data protection policy.
4. How you could refuse using Cookies?
You could set up your browser not handling cookies. Please use your browser documentation to configure this. Nevertheless the website will send these cookies but the browser will not store or send anything back if it apply for a new response of the webserver.
One hint: please keep your browser up-to-date. You limit the risk of any unwanted usage of your own data.
5. Private data beside cookies…
In some states even our IP address is part of your personal data. If you use Internet in general you MUST have a valid ip-address. In combination with the time this information is stored in several log files and enables dataservice provider and datacenter hosters to fullfill their services.
It is technical impossible not to store your – even temporarly given – IP address. Every package of information is wrapped in an envelope with this ip address and thats the only way to communicate with TCP/IP.
We store this ip address to fullfill our service and we use it to deliver the right data content to the right browser. We log this data for security reasons (denial-of-service-attacks…) and we delete all these logs as soon as possible (again, limited by national and international law).
6. More information…
You find more information about our data protection policy on our website. By any question please contact us – by mail or call.
This service – as an enire piece of art – is itself a non-commercial service without any commercial interest. If you miss some explination or if you think we handle your data not in a propiete way please write us a mail or call us.