In January and February 2017 together with Clara and Juan wwoofers and helpers planted more than 120 fruit trees in the garden area of UNIIE campus, which is part of the color garden of CasaDelDragon in Cervera del Maestre (Castellon).
There was never time to complete and finish the documentation of these trees. Finally Jitka and Thomas from Berlin did a great job and big research in finding the trees and its positions.
After nearly 12 months it was a tremendous achievement to rearrange the old identification numbers. Jitka and Thomas created a new list based on the planted trees from beginning of 2017 and some older trees planted before.
In combination with a new database for ressources and plants this tree documentation is now online and available for everybody. The goal is to store useful data about this large scale test and add time to time activities and new fotos from trees, leaves, flowers and fruit and to document also harvesting results and the experience with different varieties of fruit trees in the region of Castellon.
We will also add useful information about pigments, inks and other artistical use of these plants. The documentation is available here. Thanks a lot to Jitka and Thomas!