Hunting seeds – treasure in our daily food

hunting seeds - treasure in our daily food
hunting seeds – treasure in our daily food

In March 2020 we are limited in free movement and for some of us shopping become a rare social activity. To feed our terrace garden we can use little plants if we have access to professional sources. Maybe in a city it will be not easy to find a source for these plants. So i publish this to stimulate you to discover what you could use even out of you shopping bag.

Disclaimer: Some of the seeds you will discover are inside hybrid plants and they will not grow. Some of your food was exposed to radioactive waves or otherwise “cleaned” before it arrived to the shop. Some of the seeds are given without permission to plant because of a patent.

All this will not work, but maybe you could get some food out of bio-shops or direct from a local farmer.

Words are also seeds, and when dropped into the invisible spiritual substance, they grow and bring forth after their kind.

Charles Fillmore, American mystic
hunting seeds - or using parts of your potato
hunting seeds – or using parts of your potato

Also you could look for some already spreading potato on stock. We use – as you see – only part of the potato and it works well. Some hints we collect here:

  • Tomato > Before you use the tomato take the seeds with a spoon and put them with water in a glass with screw cap. Shake this glas every day once for 7 days. After this open the glass and run the liquid with the seed over a paper towel that you have placed in a sieve. Let the paper towel dry and peel the seeds apart. Store them in a dry place (max. 5 years) or plant them.
  • Peppers > Cut the plant and peel of the seeds in a paper towel. Let them dry one day. Store them in a dry place (max. 4 years) or plant them.
  • Kiwi > Use the same method like above for tomato. Store them in a dry place (max. 3 years) or plant them.
  • Pumpkin > Use the same method like above for peppers. Let them dry one week. Store them in a dry place (max. 5 years) or plant them.
  • Garlic > Take a strong clove of a garlic plant and re-plant it. It might be a good companion for tomato in the same planting pot.
  • Potato > Cut a piece from the potato. It should be minimum 0.5 cm thick below an spreading eye. If you could select 2 or 3 eyes at once its also fine. Dry the piece for 2 days without to much sunlight. Plant the pieces (eyes upside) within the next 2 or 3 days. Water the area not much in the first weeks. We suggest to use hay to cover the potato piece and the soil around.

It is highly recommended to plant different types of tomato not nearby, as well as pumpkin and cucumber not close to each other. If you have only on terrace garden we suggest to plant only one variation of tomato and pumpkin or cucumber at the same time.

Feedback : if you have more ideas to add other plants to the list please send us a notice. We will update this post from time to time.